Canvas - Loopable Video Backgrounds

The perfect backdrop

Canvas’ dynamic background elements will give your work a stylish, consistent aesthetic. Bundled into 10 themes - from sci-fi to clean - these 100 effects have been built to complement on-screen text or chroma keyed actors. Every file is loopable so if you need a background to last for 10 seconds or 10 minutes, you’re covered.

  • 100 loopable backgrounds
  • In stunning 4K resolution
  • Created by industry pros
Canvas - Loopable Video Backgrounds
Shutterstock Elements video effects


100 Loopable Video Backgrounds

Resolution HD
File type .mov
Frame rate 30
Package size 10 GB
Compatibility All major NLE's
Music used in trailer - A Bent Circuit

Canvas features a comprehensive tutorial video. Tutorials are only available in English.

Featured video backgrounds (of 100)

Stunning backgrounds in a flash

To get you up and running, Canvas comes with a detailed video tutorial. You’ll see how to easily loop background files, overlay text, and much more.