Ricochet - Muzzle Flash Effects

A high-caliber collection

This epic muzzle flash and gun smoke effects library features over 450 elements with 19 gun and caliber variations included. Shot on RED cameras using real weapons, Ricochet comes with an array of styles like automatic gunfire and single shot effects, plus gun smoke elements too.

  • An epic 450+ gunfire effects
  • Shot on RED cameras
  • Captured using real firearms
Ricochet - Muzzle Flash Effects
Shutterstock Elements video effects


450+ Muzzle Flash Effects

Resolution 4K
File type .mp4, .png
Frame rate 24
Camera RED
Package size 0.97 GB
Compatibility All major NLE's
Music used in trailer Premiumbeat.com - Vengeance

Ricochet features a comprehensive tutorial video. Tutorials are only available in English.

Featured muzzle flash effects (of 450+)

Behind the Scenes

Explore the work and skill that went into crafting this Shutterstock elements pack.

Get set up in a flash

Ricochet features a comprehensive 30-minute tutorial video. We’ll take you from initial setup all the way to tracking and compositing. You’ll be an action scene expert in no time.