

Shutterstock 精美的邀請函範本讓收到的不是稀有度。使用我們的免費邀請製作者慶祝您的客人,並立即開始您的派對。

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching invitations

21 Professional Designer Tips to Make Your Own Invitations

21 個專業設計師製作自己的邀請函的技巧

你理想的視覺風格是什麼?什麼是最好的紙張類型?等等,什麼是關於尺寸再次?您所有的 DIY 邀請函問題都由專業設計師回答,他們生活和呼吸出色的邀請函。檢查出來。

Johnson's baby

如何通過 5 個簡單步驟創建嬰兒派對邀請卡


5 Creative and Charming Birthday Invitation Ideas

5 Creative and Charming Birthday Invitation Ideas

These great birthday invitation ideas are sure to inspire you. Plus, we’ll show you how to make an invite card in a few simple steps.

How to Create DIY Wedding Invitations with Design Templates

如何使用設計模板創建 DIY 婚禮請柬

您的婚禮國家是別緻的還是高檔優雅?無論您特別日子的氛圍如何,我們都會向您展示如何創建 DIY 邀請卡,以捕捉外觀,並讓您和您的伴侶說:「我願意」。

How to make an invitation
How to make an invitation
1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor. 2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else. 4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
Say yes to the (party) dress with our free invitation maker
Say yes to the (party) dress with our free invitation maker
Whether you're celebrating your child's first birthday, retirements, graduations, engagements, weddings, or holidays, Create's gorgeous invitation templates put the yay in par-tay. Choose among our professionally-crafted, easily customizable, free invitation templates for any occasion. Pool party? Add flamingo graphics or frilly sun umbrellas to build your theme. Charm your guests with fancy or funky fonts (we have thousands!) and pick your favorite colors to match. Wow guests (and yourself!) with your creations and get ready to host your nearest and dearest with these snazzy invites.
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.
使用 Shutterstock 預測功能,充分利用您的設計並對自己的創作方向感到自信。AI 會發現哪些圖像最適合您的目標。創意見解釋了他們工作的原因。

Frequently asked questions about invitations

How do I make a digital invitation?

Making digital invitations has never been easier with Create's invitation templates. Simply choose your favorite designer-crafted design to customize. Swap out the image for a personal pic or find one from our millions of stock photos to set the tone for your event. It helps to have a design concept in mind before you begin, but if you don't, get started and see what comes! Add unique graphics to sophisticate or characterize your message. Infuse funky, fun, or fancy fonts for the details. Bind it all together with colored accents, outlines, shadows, or anything else you see fit! When you're ready to send it out, download it as a PNG or JPG to ensure high resolution. You can attach it to emails, upload it directly to social, or print them out to mail. Done and done!

What size are invitations?

Invitation sizes vary depending on your personal preference, but the most common size is 4.5" x 6.25". If you prefer a larger size, go for the 5" x 7". This size works well if you'd like to include a smaller RSVP insert, which measures at 4.875" x 3.5" or less. The amount of inserts inside your invitation can inform your size preferences. The most important consideration is having enough space to mention pertinent info so guests aren't left with questions. You can utilize your home printing system with high-quality paper (including a matte or gloss), or visit a professional print shop to help you print for direct mail. Note that digital invites won't have sizing limits. Good luck!

What should I include in an invitation?

Invitations are intuitive and yet there is a soft framework you can follow to make sure you've covered your bases. First, be sure to establish the 5 Ws — you know, the who, what, when, where, and why (thanks, elementary school English). If you have any extra info, you can add dress code, gift requests, and RSVPs. Quality invitations should have a balance of text to white space, plus a distinct color scheme and leading information that lets guests anticipate the event. Put yourself in the guest's shoes to make sure they're not left with any questions. Ultimately, you'll know it feels complete when you feel good reading it. Invite away!

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