當樹葉從樹上旋轉下來,有一個清爽的邊緣,微風... 你知道這意味着什麼。時間搶南瓜香料拿鐵和飲料在秋季的所有甜味。由於成千上萬的有才華的貢獻者,Shutterstock 有一個龐大的免版税秋季圖片庫供您選擇。向下滾動,探索令人驚歎的秋季景觀、異想天開的秋季圖案等。繼續閲讀,瞭解如何最好地將秋季影像融入您的下一個項目的提示。
Using autumn images for social media
Preparing to host a little mid-autumn open mic? Use an appropriate autumn image for your Facebook event photo. An outdoor wooden stage stringed with fairy lights is one way to let your soon-to-be singers know there is a fun show in store.
If you are looking for more of a standard invitation, try one of Shutterstock’s many autumn invitation templates. Add your own party info to a glossy black invite replete with falling golden leaves or a classic white card with elegant script written in autumnal hues.
If you are hoping to stir up some engagement on your Instagram account, it is important to post regularly. Posts with high-quality images receive more clicks, so be sure to share a shot each day. Something as simple as a squirrel sleeping face-down on an autumn tree branch, paired with the caption, “Mondays, am I right?” can prompt viewers to click the Like button or leave a comment.
使用 Shutterstock 的高功能搜索引擎和篩選選項,為您的下一個項目找到完美的秋季圖像。只需在搜索欄中輸入「 秋季」,然後滾動瀏覽數百萬張照片、矢量和插圖。通過添加其他關鍵字,如「 紅葉」或「秋季 圖案」來縮小搜索範圍。 為了進一步研究您想到的確切圖像類型,請應用 Shutterstock 的各種濾鏡選項。計劃舉辦社區活動慶祝 中秋節?搜索「中秋節」,然後從「所有圖片」下拉菜單中選擇「插圖」來縮小結果範圍。如果您想要具有子項的圖稿,請從「年齡」過濾器中選擇「兒童」。要確保您的圖片與網站的調色板匹配,請從「顏色」部分選擇您想要在圖片中顯示的主色。滾動瀏覽所有相應的圖稿,直到找到適合您的圖稿。
要下載 免費的秋季圖片,請先看看下面的 Shutterstock 的免費秋季圖片集。從橡子和蘋果的特寫鏡頭到令人驚歎的秋天景觀,有趣的秋季圖案到簡單的秋季圖標,Shutterstock 一定會有一個圖像,以滿足您的需求。要立即下載,請點擊紅色的「下載」按鈕。