

All endpoints in the Shutterstock API require authentication. The API accepts HTTP basic authentication for some endpoints and OAuth authentication for all endpoints.

All requests must also specify a User-Agent header. The value of this header should either be the type of client, such as "NodeJS" or "PHP," or the name of the customer's application.

In the API reference, each endpoint is labeled with the types of authentication it accepts and the OAuth scopes it requires, if any. In general, HTTP basic authentication is sufficient for search queries and for getting information about pieces of media. The API requires OAuth authentication for actions that require customers to log in to shutterstock.com, such as licensing and downloading media.

Before you authenticate to the API, you need an API subscription and an API application. See Subscriptions.


To access the API, you need an API application and either a free or paid API subscription. The type of subscription determines which media library you have access to and what level of access you have to other features such as reverse image search. To set up a paid API subscription, see the API subscription page. To set up a free API subscription, create an application and select the free subscription as described in Applications.

These API subscriptions are separate from the subscriptions that are available on the Shutterstock web site, so be sure to get an API subscription if you want to work with the API. See https://www.shutterstock.com/api/pricing.

You can use an API subscription to license and download media only with the API; API subscriptions don't work on the Shutterstock web site. If you have a subscription that does not include API access and want to use it with the API, contact us.

For a summary of what each type of API subscription provides, see Subscriptions in the API reference.


To access the REST API you need an application, which represents the application, program, or computer commands that are accessing the API. To use the API, you need the application's consumer key and consumer secret, which are shown on the https://www.shutterstock.com/account/developers/apps page.

When you have the application's consumer key and consumer secret, you can use them to access the API directly or to request a token that you can use to access the API. For more information on these methods of authentication, see Authentication.

To create an application:

  1. Log in at shutterstock.com, go to your account page, and and click Developers.
  2. On the Developers page, click Create new app.
  3. On the Create New App popup, fill in these fields:
    • App name: Specify any name that describes your application.

    • Callback URL: Specify a comma-separated list of the host names and paths where your application is running, such as "mycompany.com/myApplication." If you’ve got an application running on a server, use the host name of the server and path to the application. Otherwise, leave the default host name localhost for testing purposes.

    • Referrer: If you are creating a front-end or client-side integration or using one of Shutterstock's front-end integrations, such as the Shutterstock UI search widget, specify a comma-separated list of valid referrer domains and paths, such as "mycompany.com/myApplication." Each item in the list must match one of the callback host names.

      When you add paths to this list, the API accepts requests with an HTTP Referer header from one of these paths and with the API key in the api_key query parameter. Front-end integrations often use this style of authentication to hide secrets from the end user.

    • Included products: This list shows the API products that the application has access to. To get access to other products, contact your Shutterstock representative, visit the Pricing page or contact us.

    • Subscription: Optionally, select this check box to start a free subscription or use your existing free subscription. If you have a paid subscription, you can use it with any of your applications.

    • Company name: The name of your company.

    • Website: Your company's web site.

    • Intended use: Select an option that describes how you will use the API.

    • Description: Describe in detail how the application will use the API.

    • Terms of service: Read an accept the Terms of Service.

  4. Click Save.

The new application appears on the My apps page. Each application has a consumer key and a consumer secret. You use this consumer key and consumer secret either to use the API directly with basic authentication or to request a token for OAuth authentication; see Authentication. Do not share your key and secret, because they can be used to access your account through the API.


Each application has access to one or more API products. These products control the media library that the application accesses and whether the application can access other features such as reverse image search. These products are separate from the subscriptions that control how many assets you can license and download and what level of access the application has to other features.

To tell which API products your application is using, open your applications, expand your application, and go to its Details tab.

Basic authentication

The API accepts HTTP basic authentication (also known as basic authentication) for some endpoints that do not access specific customer information. Follow these steps to use basic authentication:

  1. Create an account at https://www.shutterstock.com if you don't already have one.
  2. Set up an application at https://www.shutterstock.com/account/developers/apps and get the consumer key and consumer secret (also referred to as the consumer key and consumer secret) from the application.
  3. Pass the consumer key and consumer secret to the API along with the request. For example, you can use basic authentication to search for images by using the GET /v2/images/search endpoint. The following example passes the ID and secret (in this case, 123abc456def and 1a2b3c4d) in place of a user name and password.
curl -X GET --user 123abc456def:1a2b3c4d \
https://api.shutterstock.com/v2/images/search \
--data-urlencode "query=sunrise"

API endpoints that require an OAuth scope do not accept basic authentication. To use these endpoints, you must use OAuth authentication.

OAuth authentication

Most endpoints require OAuth 2.0 authentication. In this type of authentication, you use an application and an individual user's login credentials to obtain a token. Then you can use that token as credentials for API requests in place of a user name and password.

Some endpoints require one or more scopes, or permissions, which let the user control what the application can do with the token. For example, to edit a user's collections, the token must include the collections.edit scope. Applications can request multiple tokens with different scopes or a single token with multiple scopes.

Getting tokens from your account page

As a shortcut, you can get a token directly from an application on your account page:

  1. Create an account at https://www.shutterstock.com if you don't already have one.
  2. Set up an application at https://www.shutterstock.com/account/developers/apps.
  3. On the application details page, under Token, click Generate token.
  4. On the Select scopes page, select the scopes for the token. The token automatically has scopes that allow it to run basic tasks. You can add scopes that allow it to access your licenses and collections.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. In the popup window, sign in to your shutterstock.com account.

The popup window shows the token. Copy it immediately, because it is shown only once. The token is valid until the user account that you logged in with changes its password or email address.

Keep this token private, because other people could use it to access the account's subscriptions and media.

Now you can use the token to authenticate to the API. See Authenticating with OAuth tokens.

Getting tokens from application code

To get an OAuth token in your application code, follow these steps:

  1. Create an account at https://www.shutterstock.com if you don't already have one.

  2. Set up an application at https://www.shutterstock.com/account/developers/apps and get the consumer key and consumer secret (also referred to as the consumer key and consumer secret) from the application.

  3. Give the application a callback host name. If you've got an application running on a server, use the host name of the server. Otherwise, leave the default host name localhost for testing purposes.

  4. Pass your consumer key to the GET /v2/oauth/authorize endpoint to get a temporary authentication code.

    Use these parameters:

    • client_id: The consumer key for your application on https://www.shutterstock.com/account/developers/apps.
    • redirect_uri: The callback URI for your application. This callback URI must use a host name that you set up in your application. (Again, for testing purposes, you can use "localhost," as in http://localhost:3000/callback.)
    • response_type: Specify code to receive a temporary authentication code that you can use to get an access token.
    • scope: A space-separated list of scopes (or permissions) for the token. See OAuth scopes.
    • state: A value that the endpoint passes back to your application so you can include other information or verify that the request worked.

    For example:

    curl -X GET "https://api.shutterstock.com/v2/oauth/authorize" \
    -G \
    --data-urlencode "scope=licenses.create licenses.view purchases.view" \
    --data-urlencode "state=demo_`date +%s`" \
    --data-urlencode "response_type=code" \
    --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/callback" 
    --data-urlencode "client_id=860bde70bb335163e2e4"

    The endpoint returns a 301 return code and a URL. Here's an example:

    Moved Temporarily. Redirecting to https://accounts.shutterstock.com/login?next=%2Foauth%2Fauthorize%3Fscope%3Dlicenses.create%20licenses.view%20purchases.view%26state%3Ddemo_1498496256%26response_type%3Dcode%26redirect_uri%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2Fcallback%26client_id%3D860bde70bb335163e2e4%26realm%3Dcustomer
  5. Open the URL in a web browser, log in, and allow your Shutterstock account to access the callback host name. The Permission Request window lets you make sure that you want to let programs with the token access your Shutterstock account with the specific permissions:

    When you click Allow, the Shutterstock API redirects your web browser to the callback URL with information in the parameters. If you don't have a full application set up yet, the browser gives an error because the web page isn't available, but that's OK because for now, all you need is the URL. Here's an example:


    For testing the API, copy the authentication code from the URL (in the previous example, it's VaRLQ3rICmWjGr4ciI-GwR) and use it in the next step. When you're ready to code a complete application, you can set it up to embed or refer to the login web page, accept the request from this URL, and store the information from the URL parameters. This code can be used only once, and it expires after 5 minutes.

  6. Finally, authenticate to the API and get an access token. To request a token that does not expire, specify expires=false or omit the expires parameter. To request a token that expires after one hour and then can be refreshed, specify expires=true.

Use the POST /v2/oauth/access_token endpoint, as in the following example. The parameters for this endpoint include the application's consumer key, consumer secret, and the code you got from the URL in the previous step:

curl -X POST "https://api.shutterstock.com/v2/oauth/access_token" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=860bde70bb335163e2e4" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=225d245d28e5b1a37db7fd4ceb8cdf360a3ae5a7" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" \
--data-urlencode "expires=false" \
--data-urlencode "code=VaRLQ3rICmWjGr4ciI-GwR"

This endpoint returns the access token in a JSON response. If you requested a token that does not expire, the API returns an access token that starts with v2/, as in this example:

  "access_token": "v2/ODYwYmRlNzBiYjMzNTE2M2UyZTQvMTc4NzI2OTM4L2N1c3RvbWVyLzIvWEtXR01HQ1FaVHRLOG85a",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

If you requested a token that expires, the API returns an access token that starts with 1/ and a refresh token, as in this example. You will need the refresh token to refresh the access token later.

  "access_token": "1/eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJjNDc4Yi0yNjYzMC1",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "user_token": "eyJhbGciOiTtcXy71dhyfjBVU",
  "refresh_token": "3/d_0F6_AmGRO5a7NNhjdCwobDudbdvDNdPQTWV1IovpWPgWy"

Keep this token private, because other people could use it to access the account's subscriptions and media.

Authenticating with OAuth tokens

Now that you have a token, you can use it to access the API by passing it as an authorization header, as in this example of searching for images:

curl -X GET "https://api.shutterstock.com/v2/images/search" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer v2/ODYwYmRlNzBiYjMzNTE2M2UyZTQvMTc4NzI2OTM4L2N1c3RvbWVyLzIvWEtXR01HQ1FaVHRLOG85a" \
-G \
--data-urlencode "query=kites" \
--data-urlencode "image_type=photo" \
--data-urlencode "page=1" \
--data-urlencode "per_page=5" \
--data-urlencode "sort=popular" \
--data-urlencode "view=minimal"

Further examples in this documentation assume that you put the token in the SHUTTERSTOCK_API_TOKEN environment variable, but you can also store the token in a variable in your code.

You can use the same application to get tokens for any number of users. Just repeat the request to GET /v2/oauth/authorize with the application information and then sign in as a different user. Each token is tied to the user's account.

Refreshing tokens

If you requested a token with the parameter expires=true, the token begins with "1/", and it expires in one hour. You can refresh the token to continue using it.

If you requested a token that does not expire, the token does not need to be refreshed. This type of token is valid until the user account that is associated with the token changes its password or email address.

To refresh a token that expires, pass the refresh token, which begins with "3/", to the POST /v2/oauth/access_token endpoint. You must also pass either the consumer secret from the application or the user ID of the user account that is associated with the token. Use these parameters:

  • refresh_token: The refresh token from the initial request to the POST /v2/oauth/access_token endpoint.
  • grant_type: Specify "refresh_token" to refresh the token.
  • client_id: The consumer key from your application on https://www.shutterstock.com/account/developers/apps.
  • client_secret: The consumer secret from your application. You must pass either this field or the user_id field.
  • user_id: The ID uf the user account that is associated with the token. You must pass either this field or the client_secret field. As long as the current token is active, you can retrieve the user ID from the GET /v2/user endpoint.

The response includes the existing refresh token and a new token that is valid for one hour.

curl -X POST "https://api.shutterstock.com/v2/oauth/access_token" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=860bde70bb335163e2e4" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=225d245d28e5b1a37db7fd4ceb8cdf360a3ae5a7"
--data-urlencode "grant_type=refresh_token" \
--data-urlencode "refresh_token=3/d_0F6_AmGRO5a7NNhjdCwobDudbdvDNdPQTWV1IovpW"

Common errors

Redirect URI mismatch

For security reasons, the callback URI that you send to GET /v2/oauth/authorize must use a host name that is registered with your application. If you provide a redirect_uri that does not use one of your application's host names, Shutterstock displays an error message to your users. The error indicates that your application was blocked from doing something potentially dangerous:

Invalid redirect URI:
The Redirect URI http://someplace.com doesn't match the valid hostnames for this client.

Access denied

If the user rejects access to your application, Shutterstock returns parameters that summarize the error:

  &error_description=The user denied the authorization request.

You can't get an access token if the user chooses not to authorize your application. In this case, your application should fail gracefully. Often, users close the window or press the browser back button rather than explicitly decline permission, so your application may not get this error.

Missing required parameters

If you leave out a required parameter, you receive an error response status code of 400 with the message "Validation failed," as in this example:

  "message": "Validation failed",
  "errors": [{
    "message": "Missing required property: client_id"

If you leave out the client_id or client_secret parameters, or if they don't match, you receive an error response status code of 403 with text "Invalid client_id/secret given."

OAuth scopes

Most endpoints require an access token with one or more scopes, or permissions. You can see the scopes that an individual endpoint requires in the API reference.

The following table shows the available scopes.

Scope Description
No scope Grants the user.view scope by default
collections.edit Grants the ability to create collections, edit collections, and modify the contents of collections; does not grant read access to collections
collections.view Grants read-only access to collections and their contents
licenses.create Grants the ability to download and license media on behalf of the user
licenses.view Grants read-only access to a user's licenses
purchases.view Grants read-only access to a user's purchase history
user.view Grants read-only access to a user's basic account information (including the user name, id, and first and last name); if the user's email address is the same as their user name, this scope also implies the user.email scope

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