
Metallic Gold

Metallic gold is a rich, deep yellow with a sparkly finish, just like the precious ore from which it draws its name. This color is associated with and evokes royalty and elegance whether in the form of gold jewelry, home fixtures or even sumptuous fabric. When it comes to jewelry, most of us prefer either gold or silver metals. In general, those with warm complexions are flattered by metallic gold while those with cool complexions tend to look better in silver. However, if you truly love gold, consider this rule outdated and choose accessories that reflect your personality. While metallics have been traditionally relegated to evening wear, incorporating one glimmering gold piece can add unexpected flair to your office or casual attire. Think bold metallic gold heels or flats, a statement bag or a sophisticated shell under a fitted suit. You can take it over the top for a special occasion with a sleek metallic blazer or flowing slip dress. Choose luxe fabrics to keep this look refined rather than disco-ready. Stainless steel fixtures have been a mainstay in the home for at least the past decade, but gold accents are beginning to make a comeback. Incorporate this metallic by adding throw pillows, picture frames or window treatments to just about any palette. It looks modern with sleek black and classic and regal with deep earth tones like burnt orange and merlot.


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