
Pool Blue

Pool blue is a light, bright color popular for evoking the memory of fresh, cool water under a cloudless summer sky. This hue speaks of easy, breezy days and lighthearted moments spent with loved ones. Pretty and outgoing, this blue tone invites peaceful conviviality. Not surprisingly, it is popular in fashion circles and for interior design. Pool blue, fashion-wise, most often appears in weddings. In particular, it shines for bridesmaids’ dresses, matching accessories for groomsmen, bouquets, and decorative items for celebrations after the nuptials. A bit more outspoken than standard pastels, this hue is still lighthearted, and it welcomes good times and joyful experiences. This color brightens and surprises in interiors. An unusual blue, this hue walks the line between the serenity and sincerity of blue and the openness and welcoming purity of white. Try it on walls for an unexpected jolt of color, and keep the rest of the room neutral with cream furnishings and cream and dark brown accessories and accents. Warm metals such as gold, bronze, and brass look good with this fresh hue. Pool blue is not your typical blue. Peaceful and positive yet extroverted, this hue invites comfort and confidence. Often associated with celebratory times such as weddings and relaxing summer afternoons, this interesting color is a lovely way to infuse fresh peace into your personal space.


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