About the report

Branded visual content is an essential tool for marketers to be able to tell their brand’s story in consistent but authentic ways. And with 91% of consumers prepared to reward brands for using authentic content, it makes sense for brands to invest in keeping content unique but in line with their guidelines. Shutterstock Custom gets a behind the scenes view at what goes into thousands of branded photo and video shoots requested by their customers and completed through their network. This report takes a look at the trends behind how brands make authentic visual content. Including: • Content production trends by industry • Digital channel usage for visual content • Visual content format trends • Creative concept preferences • Branding specification trends

Lue, miten Shutterstock Custom auttaa yrityksiä luomaan brändättyä sisältöä

• Brändättyä sisältöä, joka on kuvattu määritysten mukaan • Unohda turha vaivannäkö ja tuotantokustannukset • Missä päin maailmaa tahansa kuvattua sisältöä • Oma luovien tekijöiden tiimisi

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