Teal blue is named for the dark-greenish band on a small, freshwater duck called the teal. The first known use of teal as a color and not as an animal's name dates to 1917. Similar to cyan, teal blue can be fashioned by combining blue into a green base or vice versa—green into a blue base. You can deepen the resulting color with either black or gray.
Teal's complementary color is maroon, but that is not the only hue that pairs nicely with it. Teal blue looks great with bright yellows, dark blues, white, creams, and black. It also goes well with light purples, various shades of blue, and silver. If you use teal with more vibrant colors, it provides for a mod, playful feeling. However, when you use it with softer, earthier tones, you can create a more subdued environment reminiscent of a majestic mountaintop on a foggy morning.
Teal blue looks great in just about any living space. Many designers create accent walls of this color to provide a rich, royal vibe. It's popular in walk-in closets, powder rooms, dining rooms, and kitchens to achieve the same effect. To bring out the jewel tones in the color, pair it with gold or bronze metals. Teal blue can be playful as well. You might find the color in kids' rooms, playrooms, and mudrooms.
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