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Pets stock photos and royalty free images

Pictures of pets are among the most popular images on the internet. Many people use images of their pets as their social media profiles. Chat applications are full of pictures of happy pets, pet love, and even different kinds of pets. If you need some pictures of pets for your project, simply scroll down to see our custom collection of pet stock photos and royalty free images. With thousands of talented contributors all over the world, the Shutterstock library is the perfect place to find exactly the pet image you're looking for.

Using pictures of pets for ecommerce and service websites

  • Pet images are great for ecommerce and service websites because they can showcase the type of people behind your product or service. You'll often see images of pets on websites for services like pest control, lawn maintenance, plumbing, electrical work, or any other service that involves someone coming to your home.

  • These images highlight that the people behind the website have families and pets, too, which can make you more inclined to give them your business.

  • Choose friendly, happy images of pets and people on your website to sell the idea that your products and services are safe and trustworthy — and that your people are the kind of people others can welcome into their homes for service as needed.

Using pictures of pets for ecommerce and service websites

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Trending pets images and backgrounds

All about images with pets

Images with pets fall into all kinds of categories. People often like to share snapshots of their own pets, but other pets appear in marketing campaigns, flyers, posters, product images, and more. Common types of pet images include happy pets, pet shops, pet shop logos, pet food, pet care, and pet accessories. Because images of pets are appealing to the majority of people, they're popular choices because viewers don't get tired of seeing them. Familiar types of pet images can even create a sense of nostalgia when used creatively.

Questions about pets images and backgrounds

How to find images with pets on Shutterstock?

Finding images with pets on Shutterstock is easy. First and foremost, you can simply scroll down to browse our curated collection of pet images, with selections from photographers all over the world. If you're looking for a specific type of image, simply head over to shutterstock.com, and type your search term into the search bar at the top of the page. Once you get your results, you can begin filtering them by relevance, type, orientation, and even color scheme. If you already have an image, and you'd like to find a similar one to use in your project, simply click "search by image" in the box to the right of the search field. Here, you can upload your own image, and Shutterstock's A.I. will find similar images.

What are popular images mentioning pets?

Popular images that mention pets include happy pets, pet shop logos, and pet icons. Happy pets are a no-brainer — people don't particularly enjoy seeing images of sad animals, and a happy pet can easily lift our own spirits, whether that's in a social media feed or in a marketing campaign. Pet shop logos are popular because the idea of a pet shop is the idea of a happy place. It's where children can see puppies in the window, and families can browse all kinds of happy animals to bring a new family member into their home. Pet icons are also popular because they're very usable. They can be mascots, logos, or even just simple contour-line images that evoke the idea of pets without using photo-real images.

What makes images with pet animals engaging?

Images with pet animals are engaging because many viewers can quite easily project themselves into the image, either by thinking of their own pets at home or referencing other pet images they've seen in the past. Pet images aren't charged with political or philosophical information, so they are relevant to users of all kinds. This brings people of different paths together, and we often enjoy belonging to groups that have shared interests. Images of pets remind us of the special relationship between animals and people, and we never get tired of looking at them.

What are the difficulties of pet photography?

Pet photography can be very challenging, so good pictures of pets are worth their weight in gold. Pets, like small children, are easily distracted and prone to doing whatever they want. That means it can be difficult to get them to sit still long enough to get a good photo. They're also inclined to play with people, so when photographers need to get close to get a good, detailed image, they're just as likely to end up wrestling with the pet as they are taking its picture. However, skilled pet photographers have tricks they use (like commands and distractions) that allow them to get the professional images that many of us struggle to get using our phones. That makes these images ideal for creative projects that need to look professional.

Why do images with pets look cute?

There's a good reason why images of pets are so cute — it's survival. Researchers know that people are positively inclined toward the features of cute or baby animals, like large heads, large eyes, small ears, chubby bellies, and soft fur. It's thought that these features improve baby animals' chances of being taken care of by other animals or people. While our pets grow out of their baby phases, they never lose these features entirely, so they remain cute to us throughout their lives. When we see pets doing things that look human, like "smiling," we easily think of them as smaller, furrier people — people who we find very cute.

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