

Maple is a soft brown, almost beige but with a bit more depth. Maple trees themselves are associated with many colors, turning glorious shades of red, orange, and yellow to light up autumn. However, the color termed maple is generally recognized as its own specific hue. When autumn arrives, it can be seen as candy shaped like maple leaves and as the color of bottles holding rich syrup. It is soft and pleasing and, when paired with the right hues, also elegant and sleek. Interior designers appreciate this color because of its versatility. Its natural partner is rich chocolate brown, as they bring out the best in one another. In living rooms, pair chairs and pillows of maple with touches of copper or gold, which adds unexpected glamour. In the bathroom, pair towels and candles in maple with a brown vanity and touches of crisp white for a comforting, welcoming space. Add pillows and throws in this hue to brown furniture and add touches of blue for a warm, inviting room. This shade adds interest to deeper colors. Think maple is too masculine? Blend it with rose or fuchsia for fun and decidedly feminine interiors and outfits. Imagine a rich brown outfit, topped with a maple hat and trimmed with a flirty fuchsia accessory, and you can see the power of the right color combinations.


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