
Pistachio Green

Pistachio green represents the color of the meat of the pistachio nut. This shade can be sweet when combined with pastels or sophisticated when paired with black and various shades of grey. This color also looks elegant when paired with soft pink, mauve, lavender, and darker purple. Its versatility means pistachio green is at home in just about every room in the house. In the bedroom, use it to paint walls and furniture. Add upholstery in this hue then combine it all with white linens for an impossibly fresh, soothing, and easy-to-live-with look. In bathrooms, blend it with shades of blue for a soft, watery sanctuary. This color, like all shades of green, evokes nature. This is a softer shade, meaning it works well in kitchens as an unexpected touch. It lends an airy feeling to this most social of rooms. Add live greenery to windowsills for an appealing sense of natural, safe space. This gentle color also works well in nurseries instead of more traditional pinks and blues. In fashion, men can freshen up dark suits with ties and handkerchiefs of pistachio green, and this color’s soft sophistication makes it a natural for women’s clothing, from fitted sweaters and pencil skirts to Bohemian-inspired skirts and long evening gowns. This hue looks wonderful on accessories such as shawls and hats.


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