
Dark Olive

Dark olive is a dark yellow green that resembles the color of green or unripe olives. This color name first appeared in late Middle English. More recently, it is associated with military organizations, especially with the addition of gray. Then it becomes olive drab. Outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers also favor this color, as it helps them blend into their surroundings. This color has become a force in interior design as well. Whether in fashion or décor, this hue offers much. Though associated most generally with military uniforms and outdoor pursuits, dark olive offers a surprisingly chic wardrobe statement, especially when paired with black and gray. Muted and grayed blues also look striking with it. Trousers, blouses, tops, and skirts, especially maxi skirts in natural materials, speak to the Boho trend and a growing interest in natural fabrics that are minimally processed. A handbag this color adds panache to a black or navy outfit. For interior design, this hue is chic yet natural-looking and definitely easy to live with. It manages to blend soothing with sophisticated. Try it for furniture or as a wall color, and furnish the room with gray, subdued blues, beige, and quiet, rich yellows such as chardonnay. Dark olive is anything but dull. Soft, soothing, and sophisticated, this color is both good to wear and to come home to.


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