
Pastel Green

Pastel green, bright and light, evokes spring, tender new leaves, and Easter eggs. The color green is itself a mixture of blue and yellow, and it incorporates the cheerfulness and mental sharpness of yellow with the insight and peace of blue. More energetic than its cousin, mint, this particular color is brighter and more openly cheerful than many green tones. This hue is the clarion call of renewal. Being bright yet soft, pastel green pairs well with other gentle colors such as light blues, where the combination creates a peaceful, pulled-together look for a relaxing atmosphere. It also blends well with yellowish green hues. It lends a soft, nostalgic look to interiors, especially in kitchens with lots of white. Try pastel green for stools, kitchen towels, backsplashes, and even accessories such as food processors and blenders. In eating areas, paint thrift store chairs pastel green and mix and match table seating. This color shines in living rooms. Choose one large item, such as a sofa, to upholster in this color, and let it be the focal point of the room. Keep other colors mellow and neutral. As with interior décor, clothing and accessories this color hint of days gone by. Dresses, shoes, bags, and scarves all sport pastel green and help you put together a vintage-inspired but thoroughly modern outfit.


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