Assigning organizations

Shutterstock organizes enterprise account users into organizations, also called teams. Each organization can have separate billing and access to Shutterstock media.

Specifying a default organization for all new users

Your account representative can set a default organization for new users. You can override the default organization by specifying an organization the first time that the user accesses Shutterstock.

Specifying the organization for new users individually

You can put new users into organizations by passing the name of the organization as a custom attribute in the SAML assertion that your identity provider (IdP) sends to Shutterstock. Check your identity provider's documentation for information about how to configure the SAML assertion.

  1. Get the names of your organizations from your account representative.
  2. In the SAML assertion that your IdP sends to Shutterstock, add a custom attribute named team and specify the name of the organization to add the new user to.

The attribute looks like this example, which assigns the user to the organization orgc27086006b:

<saml2:Attribute Name="team" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified">
    xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string"
    new orgc27086006b

Now the first time that a user accesses Shutterstock, that user is assigned to the specified organization. To change the organizations that users are in, contact your account representative.

To verify that your SAML assertion is set up correctly, compare it with the example in Next steps.

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