Azure blue, a bright hue between blue and cyan, is often likened to the color of the sky on a clear, cloudless day. This shade takes its name from the intensely blue mineral stone called lapis lazuli, and it was first recorded as a color in English in 1374 by Geoffrey Chaucer.
This beautiful hue is found regularly in nature, from bright insects, including damselflies and dragonflies, to many birds. Kingfishers, hummingbirds, magpies, and tanagers are but a few of the types of birds who sport azure blue. As this shade evokes huge expanses of sky and sea, it brings a sense of spaciousness and calm strength. This color has powerful, deep integrity.
This hue adds attention-grabbing intensity to web and print designs. In the fashion world, clothing this color makes a statement as bold as red, though with a different message. This shade also is striking for jewelry and accessories such as scarves and handbags. This color shines in interiors. Even though this hue is bold, it creates a restful space that is an ideal sanctuary. Add an azure blue sofa to a white room and marvel at the instant peace it creates. Set it off with softer shades of blue, green, yellow, and the gentlest pinks. In kitchens, try countertop appliances in this color for a fresh statement.
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