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The term aquamarine was dubbed in 1598 upon the discovery of aquamarine, a gemstone typically found in granite rocks. Natural, untreated aquamarine is light blue in color with hints of green speckled throughout. In fact, while most people think of aquamarine as being blue in color, true aquamarine is more of a seafoam green. Only after undergoing heat treatment does the blue really stand out. As a natural color, aquamarine pairs well with just about every color on the color wheel. However, as with all colors, it is best complemented by the color opposite it. Depending on whether the aquamarine you prefer is bluer or greener, you would want to pair the gemstone color with either oranges or reds. If you wish to achieve a sophisticated jewelry-box like effect, pair aquamarine with black, dark purples, orchids, grays, gray-pink, turquoise and hydrangea. If you pair it with dark blues and grays, graphite, light gray, pale blue, silver and other cool colors, you'll create an environment that is reminiscent of the mountains. Pair aquamarine with beige, mild to dark greens and other blues and you'll achieve a sea-like ambiance. Aquamarine goes great in just about any space because you can pair it with just about any color. It also makes a great statement, accent and base color, as it is not overwhelming.


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