

Burgundy is a dark red or purple, or a dark reddish purple inclined toward brown. This glamorous shade got its name from Burgundy wine, which comes from the eponymous region in France. Similar to maroon, cordovan, and oxblood, burgundy nonetheless maintains its own unique flavor with its specific hues of red, purple, and brown. Burgundy is bold yet suave. It adds interesting warmth without screaming. This color always has good manners, and it is as modern as it is nostalgic. Burgundy embodies the passion, daring, and energy of red, but it is more calm, subtle, and sophisticated than bright red. There are two variations of this color commonly recognized. Old burgundy is a dark tone, reminiscent of smooth leather, stables, and dark but comfortable libraries filled with fascinating tones. For intensity, pair it with its complementary colors, shades of blue and green. Brighter hues of these complementary shades give a more intense look, while quieter shades, such as hunter green, pair beautifully and offer comfort and warmth. Turquoise pairs well with brighter tones of this color, as do analogous shades of pink and brown. This color adds life to black, white, and charcoal grey. As elegant as it is, burgundy just as easily speaks of hearth and home, of warmth and comfort.


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