
Camellia Rose

Camellia roses, which are native to Japan, produce five to nine petals per stem. Though the petals may be few, the color of each petal is vibrant and makes each flower appear to be more abundant than it actually is. Camellia roses range from white to pink to red to yellow. By far the most sought-after rose, however, is the one of the hot-pink variety. The pink camellia rose is so stunning the color was named after the rose itself. A lot of people pair this vivacious hue with animal prints such as zebra and other black and white prints. Try mixing it up, though, with a brownish-tan animal print. Think leopard or giraffe. Doing so shows sophistication and ingenuity. Use this color and pattern scheme in your living room, or a bedroom. Camellia rose also works really well with touches of teal and gold in a predominantly neutral setting. Consider using the flower itself as your accent pieces or make camellia rose drapes your focal point. You can pull this look off in your foyer, dining room, living room, bedroom or even kitchen. Camellia rose is a loud color. However, when mixed with the right hues and patterns, you can downplay its noise and use it to create a comfortable, inviting and playful space.


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