

Crimson is a strong red color that leans more toward purple on the color wheel than it does the original member of its family. In nature, the color is vibrant like a ruby and occurs in flowers, birds, and insects. However, the man-made version, which is what you will find in curtains, sheets, pillows and other décor pieces, tends to be more of a bluish-red color that falls somewhere between red and rose. Many people often associate crimson with blood. Funnily enough, many others associate it with love. In the Elizabethan era, crimson was symbolic of nobility, royalty and those of high-stature. Likely for this latter reason, some colleges use various shades of crimson as their trademarks. Despite its boldness, crimson works well in various decorating schemes. If you pair it with other reds like wine, pink-red and scarlet, and with accents of silver, your home will feel like a snow-laden forest. Pair it with lighter and more playful colors such as pale pink, olive green and peach, and you may feel as if you're in a Japanese cherry blossom orchid in spring. Combine crimson with black, dark blues, lilac and hydrangea for a more sophisticated vibe. Use crimson throughout the home for pops of color. When paired with the right hues, it can look great in the kitchen, bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms alike.


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