
Dark Green

Deep, rich dark green is a sophisticated shade that evokes the mysterious shadows of the forest. This hue also has a warm, gentle appeal because of its blanketing presence in nature. Perhaps for this reason, deep shades of green are calming to the eye. This color traditionally represents growth, renewal, fertility, and harmony, though it is sometimes associated with money and envy. The trend toward natural inspiration in home interiors makes dark green a popular design choice. Use this shade as an accent by incorporating house plants. Designers are also showing moody shades of green on walls, cabinets and soft velvet upholstery. Because this color is on the cool side of the spectrum, it has a calming, serene effect when used in the home. For a striking impact, pair green with bold pink, coral, mustard yellow and other jewel tones. If you prefer neutrals, go for a soft dove gray or creamy taupe. Implement the metallic trend by adding hints of gold for a posh, opulent aesthetic. Complementary colors, including yellow-green and teal, can be used in a monochromatic scheme. Deep green looks vibrant when paired with a contrasting dark red. Even if you haven’t traditionally decorated your home in dark colors, go green to see why this shade is one of the most enduring design trends of recent years.


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