

Choose fuchsia for a hue that truly makes a statement. This vibrant, dramatic shade is a purple-red named after the flowers of the fuchsia plant. The name was first used in 1859 for a new synthetic dye that was later renamed magenta, an often confused shade that skews a bit more red than its counterpart. Because it has both warm (red) and cool (purple) undertones, fuchsia can be paired with just about anything. Look directly across the color wheel to yellow-green when you want to pump up the volume on this shade. Create a monochromatic scheme with reds and purples. When it comes to home decor, a small amount of this color goes a long way. It’s the perfect bright, cheerful accent color to incorporate with your throw pillows and artwork. The same goes for fashion. Try punching up your neutrals with a scarf, tee or earrings that showcase so-called hot magenta. Feeling brave? Choose a lipstick or go for a statement eyeshadow in this eye-catching shade. Fuchsia was incredibly popular in the Victorian era, particularly in sprawling English gardens with carefully planned seasonal color. If you have a green thumb, bring this hue into your landscape with its namesake plant. You can also opt for amarygia, asters, begonias and dahlias.


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