
Hot Pink

Most closely associated with the 1980s neon obsession, hot pink is still a viable color option for those who love to think pink. In fact, this color is a veritable classic, popping up in both a literary magazine called Bentley’s Miscellany in 1849 and a 1940 clothing ad in the San Antonio Express, according to Merriam-Webster. While recent chatter focused on the soft blush of millennial pink, we’re turning up the volume on everyone’s favorite color in 2019. Vibrant shades of flamingo appeared on countless Fall 2018 runways. When it comes to adding a pop of hot pink to your wardrobe, anything goes. When paired with neutrals, hot pink looks youthful and on-trend but not over the top. Some of our favorite options to match with bright pink include camel, black, white, denim, dove gray, and even animal prints. Adding just one hot pink scarf, sweater, or accessory to your wardrobe can instantly update your style quotient. Want to go bold? European designers showcased mix-and-match neon this year, so look to their striking collections for inspiration. Pink and red have long been a no-go, but new fashion rules prove this combo is a hard yes.


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