
Lime Green

Get ready to wake up! Few shades are more cheerful than energizing lime green. Sometimes called yellow-green, this hue lands between yellow and chartreuse on the color wheel. English speakers first used this color name back in 1890. Despite its brightness, this shade is much more versatile than it seems. Lime green is a guaranteed mood-booster for any room. Pair it with classic black-and-white for a contemporary aesthetic that is especially effective to highlight framed artwork. Bright green with popsicle pink or cherry red creates a vibrant contrast for those who want to go bold. When paired with yellows and deeper greens, lime can even be subdued and natural. Being green is about to get very easy when it comes to fashion. Fashion magazines have already anointed lime green as the hot hue for 2019-2020, and it has been spotted on Insta-ready celebrities. A classic green and pink color combo for retro-inspired prep school flair. Or, choose a deep fuchsia (bright green’s complementary color) to really push the envelope. Think it’s too young for you? The English queen herself recently wore head-to-toe lime green at a public appearance. Feeling shy? Add this tone as a subtle accent with sunglasses, a scarf, sneakers, or trendy plastic earrings.


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