
Pastel Yellow

Pastel yellow is a form of yellow that is set at 96 percent saturation and 79 percent lightness. It contains hints of green and is close in shade to lemon yellow, canary, sunny yellow, and lime green. Pastel yellow is a soft, eye-pleasing color. It evokes feelings of calmness and life. Pastel yellow is a sunny color often associated with springtime and Easter. For this reason, many choose to decorate with it from early March until June. When used to convey the feeling of Spring, pair the hue with peach, pinks, shades of orange, sky blue, and warm yellows. A similar but warmer color palette that also contains browns and brighter yellows conveys warmth and regrowth. You can decorate with pastel yellow year-round when you combine it with the right colors. For instance, if you use dusty green, almost-black, brown, gray-brown, and lighter shades of green with pastel yellow, you can create an earthy and inviting environment perfect for a kitchen or throughout the whole home. Pair pastel yellow with chocolate, deep blue, and burnt orange, and you have the perfect color palette for a café. Pastel yellow with just about every shade of deep purple or blue creates for a rich, warm color combo ideal for bedrooms, bathrooms, and living rooms. Many expectant parents use pastel yellow as the base color in nurseries.


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