
Plum Purple

Named after the skin of the ripe, juicy fruit, plum purple is a take on pure violet with red and brown undertones, creating a deep, rich shade that almost qualifies as a neutral. Plum is categorized as a quaternary color on the color wheel, which means it’s a perfect mixture of two tertiary shades: russet, which mixes orange and purple, and slate gray, which mixes purple and green. The result is a deep, complex shade with both warm and cool undertones. Add plum purple to your makeup palette for a bold, dramatic effect that’s universally flattering. Use a plum blush in the hollows of your cheeks to sculpt the face and add contour. Plum purple lipstick is an unexpected take on red that gives just enough of an edge to your evening look. Take your smoky eye to the next level with a wash of plum shadow or use a plum eyeliner as a softer alternative to black. Dark wall colors come off as cozy rather than stark with you choose a shade with warmth. Plum makes an ideal alternative if you’re tired of burgundy, navy, and forest green. Plum purple has historically been associated with royalty, so add that regal quality to your formal dining room or boho office space. Pair it with muted golden yellow, its complementary color, for a vibrant impact.


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