
Teal Green

Teal green, a blend of blue, green, and white, takes its name from the Eurasian teal, a freshwater duck with a blue-green stripe from its eyes to the base of its neck. This color also is associated with dramatic peacocks. This cool color, a darker version of cyan, is easy on the eyes and the psyche. Teal green is a nature-inspired shade that represents sanctuary as well as spiritual and mental balance. It evokes peaceful lagoons, jungles, and rolling oceans, suggesting spaciousness and tranquility. It recalls the beauty of the natural world. Teal green, cheerful yet peaceful, is often found in print and web designs, and many athletic teams sport it on their uniforms. It is a popular shade for logos because of its lively yet stylish feel. It enlivens interiors and regularly appears in living rooms, bathrooms, libraries, and offices. This hue gives neutral rooms a chic and refined touch of color. Use it on walls, as the upholstery color of one dominant piece of furniture such as a sofa, or as a powerful accent tone. It pairs beautifully with white, black, and neutral hues such as soft grey, fawn, and beige. It also looks lovely when mixed with maroon, fuschia, yellowish green, and gold. Teal green looks wonderful in kitchens, where it promotes a sense of space and serenity.


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