
Royal Blue

Royal blue is both a darker and a brighter hue of azure blue, in itself a particular shade that is often used to describe the sky on a clear, bright day. The history of this particular stately shade of blue says that millers in Rode, Somerset, developed it during a competition to create a dress for King George III’s consort, Queen Charlotte. With its regal origins and connections, royal blue has a high status among the varying shades of blue, one of the three primary colors. Whether its interpretation is brighter or darker, it is a striking shade that makes a statement that is both bold and elegant. It hints at the deepest blue of the sky just beyond the human eye, or ocean depths where mysterious fishes swim. It is a color to fire the imagination, yet it is grounded in stately grace. This color combines beautifully with lighter shades of grey as well as silver, turquoise, and ivory. It looks well with dark charcoal grey, black, and various shades of yellow. It pairs excellently with orange, its complementary color, for an intense effect. Other shades of blue also look well with it.


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