Spring image background

Spring into the season with royalty-free spring imagery

Sunshine, rainbows, as well as birds, bees, and bunnies, all feature prominently in spring images. It is a time of new beginnings, as the natural world re-emerges from beneath a blanket of snow to again share its lovely colors with the world. With thousands of talented contributors regularly adding their high-quality visual content to the Shutterstock library, you are sure to find the perfect spring shot for your next creative endeavor. Scroll down to explore all the rich spring imagery Shutterstock has in store.

Finding spring images for social media

  • Still have a wintry image as your Facebook cover photo? Try spring cleaning your social media by updating your accounts with bright new shots of spring. A large, high-resolution landscape of a flower-dotted hillside or a sunlit avenue lined with verdant trees, for example, work well.

  • When you update your cover photo, your Facebook friends will receive a notification, which essentially prompts them to come check out your page. This is a great, subtle way to let people know your page is current and that you are staying on top of the seasonal shift.

  • Have some inspirational quotes to share on Instagram? Be sure to pair your post with an attention-catching spring shot to garner more clicks. A rainbow brightening the sky after a storm or a daisy sprouting through dry, cracked soil both visually speak to the viewer of hope and better days ahead.

Finding spring images for social media

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Trending spring images and backgrounds

Spring pictures to meet your needs

Ring in the spring season by adding beautiful spring images to your next project. You can’t go wrong with shots of spring flowers such as bright yellow daffodils, rich red tulips, and pastel purple lilacs. Easily embrace a spring holiday by changing the banner of your website to a row of hand-painted Easter eggs or lucky four-leaf clovers. Enhance your seasonal newsletter with some artfully illustrated spring icons, such as a watering can, gardening hat, or pair of rainboots. Change your social media background image to a botanical spring pattern of watercolor ferns or cartoon honeybees. No matter the project you have in mind, Shutterstock is sure to have the image for you.

Questions about spring images and backgrounds

How to find spring images?

Shutterstock makes it easy to find spring images. Type “spring” into the search bar and explore millions of results. You can narrow your search by adding more specific keywords to the search bar. Try “spring pattern” for some unique designs that feature spring flowers in all manner of styles, from watercolor roses to pen-drawn daisies. Further narrow your results with Shutterstock’s many filter options. Looking for a fun spring icon to add to your next email? Go to the “All images” dropdown menu to the left of the search bar. Select “Vectors” or “Illustrations” to be presented with high-quality artwork. Want your image to seamlessly blend in with your brand’s color palette? Pick out the main color you want featured by choosing a hue from the “Color” filter section. You can also choose to explore images “With people” or “Without people,” as well as specify the ethnicities and ages of the people in your image, so that your shot can be just as colorful and diverse as a spring bouquet.

What are popular spring images?

Popular spring images reflect the sense of renewal commonly associated with the season. Spring flowers: As spring begins, flowers bloom. This marks the end of long cold days and a return of sun and warmth. Flowers most often associated with spring include tulips, daffodils, primrose, and pansies, as they all unfurl their petals during the spring season. If looking for a spring background image, try a soft, dreamy shot of any of the aforementioned flowers. Spring cleaning: Seems fitting that this is the time when many want their own fresh start and so engage in “spring cleaning” to declutter their homes and lives. Images of happy families having fun as they tackle a big cleaning project are popular. A gloved hand soaping up a window as viewed from a low angle, so that the hand appears before a bright blue sky, offers a unique perspective.

How to download free spring images?

With Shutterstock’s vast library at your fingertips, downloading free spring images has never been easier. Scroll through the colorful free image collection below. Whether you need a cute Hello Spring graphic or elegant floral background, Shutterstock is sure to have an image to meet your creative needs. When you find the image that strikes your fancy, click on it. From there, click the red “Download” button to download instantly. If, however, you would like to edit your chosen image, simply click the “Edit this image” button. Your image will open in Shutterstock’s editing software, so you can alter the image as you please. Add effects, photo filters, or personalized text. When you have finished editing, click the red “Download” button in the top right corner of the editing page.

What makes spring images beautiful?

Spring has long been associated with new beginnings. What could be more beautiful than the return of the sun after a long winter? For those living in colder climates, winter often means short days and many hours spent indoors. After months of hibernating in the home, spring arrives, inviting us to throw the door open and breathe a joyous sigh of relief. Spring seems to say, Brighter days are just around the corner. Images that reflect such a sentiment inspire hope in the viewer. Photos that feature soft yellow sunlight can melt the winter blues away. A photo filled with the vibrant colors of the natural world, in a spring landscape of a hillside covered in flowers, for example, can fill the viewer with a quiet sense of joy.

What are the attributes of spring images?

Spring images often feature nature and new growth. Expect to see bright, joyful colors such as sunshine yellow and vibrant green, as well as soft pastels, like the gentle pink of a bough of cherry blossoms. Close-up nature shots of baby buds on a branch, water droplets on a daisy, or bright blades of grass emerging from the soil are common. More distant landscape shots are also popular in spring. A low angle photo of the Eiffel tower shot from the perspective of the flowers speaks to the sweeping romance of the season. Spring photographs often show people out and about, enjoying their return to the natural world. A child planting fresh bulbs in the garden, an older couple laughing as they enjoy a bike ride, or a woman smiling as she stops to smell the flowers, all sing that spring is here.

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