
Apricot Blush

The tawny flesh of a ripe, juicy apricot inspires the name of apricot blush, a pale golden-orange with just a hint of pink. The word “apricot” is derived from the Arabic word for the fruit and was first used in English as a color name in 1851. Because this warm, rosy shade compliments every skin tone, it’s a beautiful choice for a monochromatic makeup look. Achieve a light, peachy glow with a wash of color on your cheeks, lips, and lids for youthful, flattering no-makeup makeup. Apricot blush looks gorgeous for spring and summer. Go with pale shades of apricot for lighter skin tones, while deeper, more vibrant shades are striking on dark skin. Choose a peachy apricot to create a home palette with a cheerful, welcoming vibe. Cobalt blue makes the perfect accent color as it is directly across from apricot blush on the color wheel. Try mint for a soft yet sophisticated aesthetic, or deep, dramatic turquoise and crisp white for coastal appeal. This shade of apricot blush can even be used as a rosy neutral. For a minimal, monochromatic palette, we love apricot with buttery cream, muted ecru, and deep gold. Inspired by the Tuscan sunset? Use it with terra cotta, salmon, and rusty red for a room that’s eclectic and inviting. With charcoal gray, apricot blush gets a modern edge.


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