
Celery Green

Seeking the perfect shade of light green? Consult your vegetable drawer. Celery green offers just the faintest whisper of color, making it the ideal choice for those who want to incorporate this lucky hue into their homes without going too bold. Green’s association with nature provides a refreshing, organic aesthetic. It also picks up both warm and cool undertones, which make it a natural choice with almost any color combination. This elevated, sophisticated shade of green almost appears neutral when used on your walls. Take advantage of this calming color to create a true oasis in your bathroom. In the kitchen, go just a little deeper for an energetic vibe that sparks conversation without overwhelming even a small space. In fact, this color’s light-reflecting properties can make tiny rooms look larger. Celery green sits directly across from burgundy, its complementary hue, on the color wheel. This means that pairing these colors enhances the beauty of both. This refined palette would look beautiful in a formal living room or dining room. To truly bring the outdoors inside to create a nature-inspired space, layer celery green with various shades of green and blue. This looks stunning in rooms with natural wood and stone fixtures. Get the look without spending a fortune by incorporating real or faux greenery for an interior that elevates the spirit with those sunny spring vibes.


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