
Leaf Green

Shades of green are prevalent in nature, which makes this color a popular choice in home palettes for a fresh, organic aesthetic. We love the versatility of a crisp, pure leaf green, which combines the warm undertones of bright yellow with a cool tinge of blue for a hue that works just about anywhere. It’s both restful and relaxing, inviting and invigorating. Because of its association with plant life, green is a symbol of rejuvenation, vitality and fertility. Lush leafy shades layered together with creamy whites and neutrals can create a spa-like atmosphere in your home. In fact, scientists say that green is the most naturally restful color for the human eye to view, so use it in your bedroom to enhance your beauty sleep. With so many positive associations, it’s no wonder that leaf green is projected to be one of the hottest color trends this year. Go bright for an instant pick-me-up, whether that means a lime-hued coat of paint on your door or a vibrant peacoat for changeable spring weather. Don’t be afraid to go vivid. Green’s warm and cool undertones mean it can be successfully worn by anyone. Get inspired by this color trend by adding some actual greenery to your living space. The leaf green of indoor plants does double duty to decorate and purify your space.


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