

Turquoise is a slightly greenish shade of blue that is naturally found in the turquoise gem. The hue is often described as a mixture of green and pale blue. The name comes from the French word, turquois, which means Turkish. The mineral was first brought to Europe through Turkey. Turquoise is thought to be a calming color. Incidentally enough, most hospitals and healthcare settings use turquoise and other light shades of blue to keep patients calm. Turquoise is one of those colors that looks great in just about any room in the home. As a bonus, it also has the ability to bring tranquility and calm to any space. If you're not ready to commit to the color, us it in accents and furnishings. Mix in turquoise pillows and add an accent rug that is predominantly turquoise in color. Turquoise has the greatest visual effect when paired with white, light grays, and light wood tones. Turquoise accents also look great when you incorporate coral pieces as well. If you already know you love turquoise, don't be afraid to paint cabinets, fixtures, or walls in the hue. If you choose to go big, bring it home with white accents or, for a more upscale vibe, elements of silver, gold, or bronze. Turquoise is a stunning color that can make any space feel instantly relaxing and inviting.


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