上傳您自己的照片。或者存取我們的圖庫:在「創建」中存取超過 300 萬張免費照片,或訂閱更多內容。
Drag photos into your layout. Try filling a cell with color and adding text. Add some effects. Experiment and have fun!
A gridded collage tool hosts rectangular cells with easy cell and canvas resizing. Collage tools are great for showing off a whole bunch of pics while giving you creative control. A collage template, by contrast, has defined photo shapes and sizes. Collage templates often (but not always) have a more free-form look with non-rectangular, non-gridded photo shapes, and may lean towards the use of graphics in addition to photos and text. These collage designs often evoke a mixed-media vibe.
"The best collage maker offers resizable image grids, in-cell photo editing filters, and lightning fast drag-and-drop photo adding. You'll want a lot of control over sizing the overall canvas, so you can export the collage to multiple sizes. If you prefer collage templates, you'll want to find a ones that offer tippety-top design aesthetiics. Some photo collage looks can get dated over time and you want templates that are on-trend and truly meet the design moment."
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