

Blush is the pink for people who hate pink. A splash of purple makes this color infinitely wearable for men and women alike. Am I making you blush? This coquettish pinkish-violet was first used as a color term in the English language in 1590. Picture the color of a soft flush with a warming glow, and you won’t be able to resist incorporating this particular pink in your home, wardrobe and personal aesthetic. Because it trends toward neutral, this hue looks beautiful with every complexion. This shade of pink has the barest hint of purple, which adds complexity that is wearable even for adults long past the princess stage. Blush is appealing because it’s warmer than white and gray and more alluring than basic black and overdone charcoal. Add texture to pink by choosing pieces in lace, fleece and soft, nubby knits. Muted shades of pink look daring when used for unexpected fabrics like leather. Wear this color with black, navy or beige when you want to look professional, yet feminine. Use this shade for structured, tailored styles for a softer version of menswear that adds a bit of an edge to your wardrobe. Speaking of men, who says men can’t wear pink? Pink polos and dress shirts are still in the game when you choose this sophisticated shade. Be daring with a deep pink baseball jacket, cashmere sweater or limited-edition kicks.


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