

Mauve, a deep rosy purple color, is the French name for the mallow wildflower common throughout Africa, Asia and Europe. Mauve is lighter and moodier than magenta, with gray and blue tinges that aren’t present in its more vibrant cousin. This makes the hue a sophisticated choice for everything from home decor to fashion to product design. When it comes to home decor, mauve is a versatile shade. Use it in your bedroom for a hue that evokes both relaxation and romance. The best colors to pair with mauve depend on the exact hue you choose. Cool mauve, which emphasizes the blue undertones of the color, looks amazing with other cool colors like navy, mint, lilac and soft cream. Warm mauve, which highlights the color’s pink and rosy undertones, pairs perfectly with coral, salmon and terra cotta tones. You can also use color theory to pick shades that complement mauve. Think of a monochromatic color scheme that combines light, medium and dark mauve hues. For a vibrant effect, choose the low-intensity yellow that’s directly across from mauve on the color wheel.


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