

Picture a deep, rich purple with hints of rosy brown. The color of a fig looks luscious on your lips, sophisticated in your closet, and warm and refined in your home. When added to your wardrobe, intense dark purple shades provide a hit of mystery and allure. Think of fig as navy with just a tinge of red. It’s so subtle that it’s practically a neutral. This color is perfect for a fall wedding or as a chic, understated business suit. It looks equally dramatic when paired with crisp white or ebony. You can even choose a leather tote or booties in this sumptuous shade. When you decorate with fig, try creating a monochromatic palette that draws upon the color’s brown undertones for a warm, welcoming effect. Vibrant blues, reds, and greens are equally alluring. This shade of purple pairs well with both warm and cool undertones. Adding this color to a scheme of soft pastels gives this feminine look an edgy spin. You can even use it on your walls for a moody yet understated effect that looks gorgeous with neutrals like soft gray or camel. Cosmetics in this hue look beautiful whether you opt for a shadow that makes brown eyes pop, a lipstick that puts a daring spin on a nude lip, or a blush that gives dark complexions a natural flush.


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