
Dark Purple

Dark purple is a deeper tone of purple and is not necessarily a single color. Depending on who you ask, dark purple can be as light as violet and as deep as plum. It can contain solely shades of purple and black or have hints of reds and blues as well. Like its parent color, dark purple symbolizes royalty, wealth and power. It is also associated with wisdom, creativity and magic. Psychologically speaking, dark purple correlates to sadness and frustration, but you can combat those feelings by pairing the hue with vibrant, playful ones. Dark purple pairs exceptionally well with other hues in its category. However, if you want to achieve a lighter vibe, pair it with dusty pinks, creams, soft greens and lighter, almost pale, shades of purple. Doing so will make your environment feel like a lavender field in late summer. Dark purple has the most powerful impact in the bedroom. Use it as an accent wall or on your bedspread. If you use deep purples in your living room or other gathering spaces, use them boldly and with commitment. Doing so will make those gathering spaces feel cozy and inviting, whereas using them sparingly can seem harsh. Deep purple of any shade makes a powerful statement. However, unlike other commanding colors, deep purple is one you can and should use with gusto.


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