

Dusk is a light, almost purple color characterized by neutral undertones. Dusk is one of those colors that pairs well with just about every other color in the rainbow, quite possibly because it was modeled after warm sunsets over a desert horizon. Because the color is so understated, it makes a great base color for just about any room. Depending on who you ask, dusk is either a saturated lavender, a very soft pink or an inundated dark blue. Regardless of which type of dusk you're thinking of, you can use the color in just about any room in your home. You can even use it in your office. Dusk, when in its pink or lavender form, looks great in girls' rooms, bedrooms or bathrooms. If you use it as an accent color, you can get away with using it in your main living areas, such as in your living room or sitting room. If you wish to use the blue form of dusk, consider using it in your master bedroom, bathrooms or main living spaces. This form of dusk can make any space feel instantly warmer and lend an air of sophistication. Because dusk is typically a pastel, it looks great with other soft hues. Consider pairing it with other shades of pink, purple and blue. Dusk also looks great with grays and white.


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