
Irish Green

Irish green is the green of the Irish flag. It is a fresh spring green that has fewer blue tones than the shade called shamrock green. The color green is associated with nature, freshness, blooming life, and new beginnings. It is no accident Ireland is called the Emerald Isle. Its lush, rolling hills are rich shades of green. Irish green is closely associated with Ireland and its customs, especially St. Patrick’s Day, adopted by Americans as a rowdy day of carousing (though in Ireland many people observe the day of the country’s patron saint by attending mass). This color is ubiquitous throughout America to sell paraphernalia for the mid-March celebration. Web and print designers use this color to advertise everything from parties to spring sales for washers and dryers. They depict images of clover in this hue, as clover has become a symbol of Ireland, at least in America. Items ranging from glittery hats to stickers to beads overflow in shops. Touches of Irish green can bring life to interiors. Living plants as well as vases or throws in this shade help bring a feeling of the outdoors inside. In fashion, like interior decorating, touches of this color brighten dark suits and outfits. This color is not common for overall day-to-day clothing and outfits, but a blouse in this shade can be unexpected and fun.


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