
Slate Gray

Slate gray is actually a mix of gray, green, and purple tints and takes its name from the slate stone. The first chronicled use of ""slate gray"" as a color was in England in 1705. Though slate is a natural stone, the term is often used to describe birds of this color. Slate gray, being a neutral, is a versatile color that looks great in just about any space and can help you achieve just about any look you desire. For instance, when you pair slate gray with white—a combination that looks great in a kitchen or bathroom—you can create a naturally dramatic environment. Or, pair it with blues and sandy browns to make your space feel like a secret beachside retreat. Slate gray also looks great with natural wood elements. Whether you choose to incorporate natural wood in the form of furniture, picture frames, or an accent wall, the combination develops a rustic, warm, and inviting environment. If you choose to use slate gray in a kid's room, work in brightly colored accents. Objects that are teal, orange, and lime green will really pop against slate gray accent walls and furniture. Slate gray is a versatile color that looks great in any space and with many colors. Have fun with the hue to create a space that really wows.


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