
Faded Denim

Picture the color of your favorite jeans. The pair that fits the best. The pair you throw on with everything, to go everywhere. That soft blue hue is what we mean when we say faded denim. We love muted complexity in this versatile shade of the most popular color. Few clothing items are more effortlessly stylish than perfectly worn-in jeans. Choosing the right denim wash is half the battle. Rinse wash gives the quintessential faded denim look you want, while the dying process softens the fabric so it provides a flattering, comfortable drape rather than looking too starchy or stiff. As a general rule of thumb, darker denim is more formal than lighter washes. For one versatile pair of jeans that matches everything, go for a midtone wash. Pale blue washes look hip and trendy, especially in contemporary shapes and distressed styles. When it comes to pairing other colors with faded denim, light washes look great with deep, rich jewel tones like burgundy and forest green, while paler shades will look washed out. Medium washes are the most versatile but look especially great with navy, charcoal, and black. With dark jeans, pick tomato red for a daring, vivid contrast. A faded denim jacket, a timeless closet staple, will dress down a colorful shift dress or add polish to a tee and leggings.


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