
Navy Blue

Is any color more classic than navy blue? This distinguished hue, considered a neutral, is just a few shades lighter than basic black. The name of this color, inspired by the British Royal Navy, has been in use since the 19th century, first appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1813. Perhaps because of its military pedigree, this shade of blue is seen as loyal, authoritative and formal. When used in the right palette, navy goes from serious and sober to strong and masculine. In the home, pairing deep blue with brass accents provides a modern, dramatic effect. Layering different shades of blue in a monochromatic scheme is calm and soothing, which makes this a popular palette for a bedroom. When choosing neutrals to use with navy blue, go for creamy, sophisticated shades like ecru, taupe and pale slate gray. Textiles in variegated tones of dark blue, such as indigo tapestries, create an eclectic, bohemian feel. Navy blue is also on trend for your wardrobe, though it’s always been a staple of business wear. For best results, use this shade with unexpected shapes like slip dresses, jumpsuits, overalls and statement sunnies so you don’t look like you’re wearing a uniform. Don’t forget denim. Choose jeans with a dark blue rinse to take this wardrobe mainstay from day to night.


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