
Federal Blue

Federal blue is a dark, plummy blue leaning toward purple. Though saturated, this color works as a clean, refreshing neutral. It is versatile and timeless, tasteful and endlessly interesting. These qualities make this hue an excellent choice for interior decorating. Federal blue gives a classic feel to interiors. It is ideal as an overall wall color or for one accent wall. It works well throughout the house, wherever you want a tasteful, traditional atmosphere. In living rooms and libraries, pair it with dark greens such as hunter green and touches of burgundy for a comforting, old-world atmosphere that speaks of stability and luxurious coziness. Though this color may speak of established ease, it is never boring. It is tasteful and genteel without having to try. In bedrooms, pair it with white linens, upholstery, and curtains for a fresh yet relaxing atmosphere that evokes safety and wellbeing. Add dark, natural wood and gold accents, and you will have a room in which everyone feels comfortable. Likewise, bathroom walls in this hue look great with white towels, creating a refreshing, soothing retreat that speaks of enduring comfort. Federal blue, though saturated, is a rich neutral that gives interior spaces an ageless sense of tradition and security. However, while this hue calms, it never wearies. It is always fresh, speaking of hidden depths beneath its classic surface.


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