
Marine Blue

The term marine blue brings to mind a couple different colors. The first is a deep, almost black, navy-blue color that captures the sophisticated timelessness of classic pea coats and naval uniforms. The second is a jewel-toned blue-teal color that brings to mind mermaid tails and the bright blue waters of exotic beach destinations. How you use the color depends on which shade of the hue you prefer. If you elect to use a darker marine blue, don't be afraid to play with it in different rooms throughout your home. Paint the walls of your dining or living room marine blue to create a warm yet elegant space. Decorate with gold or silver accents and warm wood and brown leather furniture. If you;re using it in a bedroom, complement marine blue walls with cream, gray, and white accents to create a relaxing space that still maintains an air of sophistication. Jewel-toned marine blue makes a great wall color as well. However, to ensure it's not overbearing, use white for the trim. Make sure most of your fixtures and furnishings are either white or light gray. If you use this hue in the kitchen, pair the marine blue walls and white cabinets with sand-colored countertops. Incorporate coral, pink, and magenta accent pieces throughout a marine blue space for optimal visual impact.


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