
Opal Blue

Opal blue is a soft, delicate shade of periwinkle, and it evokes beauty and relaxation. Periwinkle itself, also called lavender blue, is named for a beautiful blue flower. This hue is a quieter, more subdued version of that color. If you want to create a relaxing bedroom retreat, make a bathroom into a sanctuary, or design an idyllic meditation area, opal blue is the color for you. Light blue with the barest hint of lavender purple, this shade speaks of introspection, calm, and gentle beauty. It brings to mind quiet places of loveliness where you can commune with your soul and soak in the wonder that is life. This shade is easy to look at, and it calls to mind spring and new blooms peeking shyly toward the sun. Digital and print designers find it useful for springtime notices and bulletins, and it speaks of Easter and new life. It takes the edge off web pages and is easy on the eyes, making it a valuable tone for web artists. For interior settings, opal blue looks stunning when paired with white and neutrals such as barely-there beige and even soft, warm grey. It is perfect if you want a peaceful bedroom. Add just a hint of punch with fuchsia blooms or a throw pillow with a dash of fuchsia, lively but more tender than red.


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