The hex code for sea green is #54FF9F. Similar hex codes include #20B2AA and #3CB371. All of these colors fall within the same greenish-blue spectrum and can be used interchangeably in design projects to create a cohesive color palette.
Sea green is often described as a bluish-green or greenish-blue. It is reminiscent of the color of the ocean, with a slight turquoise undertone.
The term "sea green" first appeared in the English language in the early 17th century, deriving from the Latin word "aqua marinus," which translates to "sea water." The color has been used throughout history in various art forms, from ancient ceramics to Renaissance paintings. It became particularly popular in the 19th century during the Arts and Crafts Movement, where it was often used in interior design and decorative arts.
Sea green is associated with tranquility, calmness, and relaxation, as it reflects the color of the ocean. It also symbolizes renewal, growth, and rejuvenation, reminding people of the natural healing power of water. Additionally, this shade is often linked to balance and harmony, as it blends the calming properties of green and the soothing qualities of blue.
Sea green pairs well with soft pastel shades like blush pink, light peach, and soft lavender. Need something a little more daring? Pair this hue with navy blue, mustard yellow, and coral for an eye-catching, modern color palette. Additionally, earth tones like beige, taupe, and sand can complement this shade of green for a more natural and harmonious feel.
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