Shutterstock 明瞭,多元平等和兼容並蓄的精神能讓我們更具影響力,而這些精神也是推動創新不可或缺的要素。我們非常注重公平,並且在種族、性別、性別認同或氣質、性取向、身心障礙、宗教、族群及國籍等方面致力兼容多元。為合乎我們經營社群的價值觀,我們期望打造能充分反映全球多元社群的工作團隊、投稿人際網路和內容資料庫。
Requiring DEI training on unconscious bias, which teaches employees how to incorporate DEI principles in their day-to-day actions
Introducing benefits focused on supporting parents, caregivers, LGBTQ+ employees, and the well-being of all employees
Introducing new disability accommodations to support employees with disabilities
Introducing Gender Identity and Transition Inclusion policies to support LGBTQ+ employees in the workplace
截至 2023 年 11 月 30 日, 已收錄超過 475,000,000 個素材。